Blog: Senior Pet Care


Understanding Feline Vaccines

Some very important vaccines consist of: Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis Calicivirus Panleukopenia (FVRCP)  FVR: Rhinotracheitis Highly contagious severe upper respiratory infection (caused by a feline type 1, herpes virus). Most severe in young kittens and older cats and is one of the most serious upper respiratory diseases seen in the feline…

Puppy blocking its ears and looking up

Why are dogs afraid of fireworks and other noises?

According to research, dog fireworks anxiety or fear of noises can arise from a variety or combination of factors. Some dogs have suffered a dramatic event involving loud noises that creates a historic “trigger” for them to become anxious. Some dog breeds may have a genetic predisposition towards noise anxiety…

Chihuahua dog on a leash with human outdoors

Minimizing Risks as your Pet Ages

Senior pets have a greater need for special care than younger ones do. There are many health conditions that can arise as your pet gets older. Some are unavoidable, but many can be avoided by taking preventive measures throughout their lives. Feeding a high quality senior diet can help, as…

Cat lying down next to a pillow with A Home is Not a Home Without a Cat text

The Importance of Senior Wellness Testing by Jessica

There’s no mistake, when you walk into our clinic you will see that it is Seniors Months during October and November here at West Hill Animal Clinic. We take great pride in providing your pet with exceptional care and quality service. When is your pet considered a senior you wonder?…