Blog: Senior Pet Care

Dog and cat outdoors

Celebrating Senior Pets Night!

Scarborough Vet Celebrating Senior Pets Night! We are committed to helping owners enrich the lives of their pets. Senior pets can live a longer, healthier and more active life by eating right and discovering any problems while they are still manageable. This evening will be hosted by our very own…

Cat in a litter box

The Importance of Keeping a Clean Litter Box by Julie

As most cat owners know, cats are very clean animals.  That is why it is important to keep a clean litter box.  A cat’s sense of smell is 14 times stronger than ours, so a stinky litter box can cause your cat to look for an alternate location to do…

Dog in a cage

Canine Coughs by Dr. Gawen Thompson

At any given time during the ownership of a dog, you may encounter an episode of coughing. Often this can be viral infection known as infectious tracheobronchitis or “kennel cough”, but there are some other possibilities and it always helps owners to be aware of some of the subtle differences….