

Important Info on Senior Pet Blood Work

Although you can’t turn back the clock, there are things you can do to keep your older pets healthy and YOUNG-AT-HEART. A Senior Pet Wellness Exam and Senior blood work is one step you and your pet can take on the road to a comfortable old age.


Grief Support

Losing a pet can be a very hard time in a person’s life. Mourning the loss of a pet is natural. We go through the same stages of grieving as we do when we lose a special person in our lives. Here is some information on various outlets that will…


Feeding in a Multi-Cat Household

  When you have multiple cats living in your home, it can be difficult to keep their food separate to ensure they are getting an appropriate amount or even the appropriate diet. Hopefully, some of the following tips can be useful to making feeding time hassle free, and help keep…

Greyhound dog at the beach

From Track to Treasured Pet

Most greyhounds retire from racing at a very young age due to injury or when they no longer have the drive to compete to win the race. Many greyhounds are retired from racing due to a broken hind leg.