Although you can’t turn back the clock, there are things you can do to keep your older pets healthy and YOUNG-AT-HEART. A Senior Pet Wellness Exam and Senior blood work is one step you and your pet can take on the road to a comfortable old age.
So what is “Senior blood work”?
Senior blood work can help us detect hidden issues that may not be evident in your furry family members. It can be used to compare blood work that was previously performed or as a baseline for the future. It is important to perform this exceptionally key blood work for ensuring your pet’s good health. The blood work is sent out to a lab and we can usually provide you the results within a day. We recommend senior blood work once a year.
Senior testing includes a CBC, Blood Chemistry, and a T4 (Thyroid Profile). We also recommend a urine sample for a urinalysis. All of these tests work harmoniously to see just how well your pet’s body is functioning.
Here is what we are checking in your pet…
CBC – This provides information on the red and white blood cell counts, as well as platelet counts. A CBC helps us to detect such issues as anemia, infection, or potential bleeding disorders.
Blood Chemistry – This checks various enzymes, liver and kidney values, and a blood glucose level as well.
Urinalysis – Urine contains by-products from many organs filtered through the kidneys. Abnormal levels can indicate diabetes, urinary tract disease, and kidney or liver diseases.
T4 – A thyroid profile is very important for if left untreated, thyroid disease can have a severe impact on your cat or dog’s health. We need to be sure that thyroid function is normal.
Senior blood work results may lead to other tests such as:
EKG- to check heart function
Ultrasound – follow up on cardiac concerns, abdominal masses and organ concerns
Radiographs (x-ray)
– Chest films to check the heart and lungs.
– Abdominal films to evaluate liver, kidneys, bladder, intestinal tract and check for masses.
– Pelvic/Spinal films to check for arthritis or some forms of cancer.
Fecal- Checking stool for the presence of parasites.
With some extra TLC your pet can be on his/her way to many more happy and healthy years.
There are several ways to help improve the life of your older pet. Ask the staff about:
* Senior Food – specifically tailored to help with joint care, kidney function, mental function or a combination of different senior ailments.
* Joint Supplements – Glucosamine, chondroitin and omega 3 supplements come in many forms that best meet your needs
* Pain Control – Your vet can help decide if long term pain control can help your pet live more