Blog: Parasites

Stop Parasite sign painted on an open hand

Common Pet Parasites: Roundworms

What are they? Roundworms (Toxocara Canis, Toxocara leonina and Toxocara cati) are intestinal parasites that live in the intestines. They feed off the partially digested content that is located in the intestines. They get their name from their round shape (think a cooked spaghetti noodle) How could my pet get…

Tick in fur

Ticks by Dr. Clayton Greenway

Here are some important facts to know about ticks from Dr. Clayton Greenway: 1.  Ticks can carry Lyme disease.  They have to be embedded in the skin for 24 hours to transmit the disease so you can prevent contraction of it by looking your dog over every night to remove…

Mr. Peppers the cat

The Best for your Pet: A plan for optimal health by Dr. Clayton Greenway

Written by Clayton Greenway, B.Sc, DVM, West Hill Animal Clinic, 5528 Lawrence Av East, Scarborough, ON The first cat I rescued was a 16 year old Abyssinian who I named Mr. Peepers.  I met him in my exam room 2 years after I graduated Vet school.  His owner didn’t want him…