It’s the time of year when we get a clean slate and get to start fresh for a new year. People tend to set outrageous goals, like going to the gym every day – when they’ve never gone a day before in their life. We at West Hill Animal Clinic won’t ask you to completely change your routine, but it’s a good time to help improve your pet’s health too!
Here is a list of possible New Year Resolutions for your pet:
- Increase Physical Activity by increasing the number of walks you go on by one per week or by adding 5 minutes to each walk. Use a laser point for a fun game of chase, or move the cat’s dishes to another floor in the house so they have to go up and down the stairs more.
- Watch for Winter Weight by counting out the kibble or using an actual measuring cup – not sure how much you should be feeding? Call our hospital at 416-282-8516 so we can help calculate the calorie requirement of your pet.
- Don’t Let Medications Run Out, set a reminder in your phone, or mark on your calendar when your pet’s medications need to be reordered. This will ensure you get your meds on time and your pet doesn’t miss any days of treatment.
- Spend More Quality Time with Your Pet, most often the best reward they can get from us is an extra bit of cuddle time or a pat on the head. This can greatly increase their quality of life and bond with you!