Here are some tips and tricks to introducing a new kitten to your older cat.
- Take it slow
- Set up a safe room or crate for the new kitten
- Get your cat used to the kittens’ scent (and vice versa)
- Introduce them visually
- Finally, allow them to meet. The best time to make their formal introduction is at mealtime when their desire for food will overcome all other distractions. When they meet for the first time, expect some hissing and growling – this is a normal part of them establishing their individual places within the hierarchy. Be prepared with a big towel to separate them just in case a fight develops.
- Treat them both equally. Separate them and keep apart until the next mealtime, gradually increasing the time they spend together. Share treats, affection and attention between them equally during their time together, not only to build positive associations but also to demonstrate that there is no favouritism.
If you have any questions, give us a call at 416-282-8516.
Good luck with your multi-cat family.
Written by: Pat, Veterinary Technician