
Dog on a leash outdoors and alone

Steps to Follow if You’ve Found a Lost Pet

Finding a lost pet can be stressful. You immediately have concerns that the pet has been abandoned or neglected and often you don’t know what to do. We’ve put together a list of things to do if you’ve found a lost pet in the Scarborough area. One thing to keep…

West Hill Animal Clinic technicians at the annual Veterinary Technician Conference

OAVT Conference by Jessica

This past weekend the technicians of West Hill Animal Clinic went to the annual Veterinary Technician Conference. One of our Technicians Tanya had made a beautiful video on what it’s like to be a Veterinary Technician for National Veterinary Technician week. At the conference there was an awards dinner and…

Dog on a leash with human holding it

The Use of Glucosamines

Often people whose pets suffer from arthritis will start to inquire about Glucosamine added to their pet’s diet. The best thing to use is a food called G/D.  It is ultra expensive but it works.  It has the equivalent of 27 glucosamine capsules in every meal.  But the price makes it almost…

Dog resting its head on a chair with a computer in the background

Lumps and Bumps on Your Pet by Dr. Gawen Thompson

Lumps and Bumps on your pet Almost everyone who has an older pet has encountered some abnormal lumps and bumps that have come up on various places on and under the skin. Some of these can be considered “benign” (masses that grow very slowly or not at all and do…